Make sure you watch all the videos in this section! It's important to understand this level very well, before you start running ads. This is where you set who will see your ads.

When you're testing and you're ready to scale, this is where you'll spend all of your time. Then the level where you tell the algorithm who they should be showing your ads to. 


Learn where to set your budget and when the ad should start running. I like to start my ad at midnight, on the next day. But you can set the ad to start on future dates as well.

I recommend not setting an end date to your ad. You can always go back and turn it off whenever you want. 


This is where the magic happens! Audiences are key to campaign success. Learn where to find that section and what it all means.

Make sure to watch the audience section before moving on.

🔗 Finding Your Audience


Automatic or custom placements? I have a lot of opinions about it! 

The more you run ads, the more data you'll have to make this decision. I recommend that in the beginning, you select automatic placements. That way you'll gather enough data to decide what works best for you.